1 in 5 returning combat veterans is diagnosed with severe post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.
PTSD as well as mild to moderate traumatic brain injuries, cause damage to the frontal lobe. This damage causes loss in fine motor skills, problem-solving, memory, judgment, social behavior and increases sorrow, sadness, and anger. Recreational therapy has been proven as an adjunct to clinical therapies, and in many cases, successful in its own right as a treatment protocol.
We have found that the camaraderie and challenges of golf, provides a bridge into a new way of life. This popular sport provides crucial opportunities necessary for each combat wounded veteran’s journey towards rehabilitation and healing. Golf is beneficial for the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of each combat wounded veteran’s rehabilitation processes.
Physical Health Benefits: Improves hand-eye coordination; increases functional independence, balance, strength, endurance, motor skills, and flexibility; reduces risk of secondary medical complications.
Cognitive Health Benefits: Improves frontal lobe stimulation; increases focus and attention; improves strategizing, visualization, and creative thought for problem solving; improves fine motor skills.
Emotional Health Benefits: Increases level of serotonin in the brain, which leads to a calm/relaxed feeling; enhances self-esteem; assists with managing stress and anxiety; alleviates and/or decreases risk of depression.
Social Health Benefits: Encourages meaningful experiences and relationships that contribute to healthy lifestyle behaviors; provides sense of community and belonging through shared experience.